November 13, 2024 - 09:34 PM JACK LIU - My friend Greg at the office introduced me to Bitcoin trading, which I ignored. The firm we worked for went into recession and closed down, which made him leave for a new job. Gradually, we watched the company fold after the demise of the owner. I ended up searching for a new pay job but couldn’t secure one due to the impact of the covid 19. I phoned Greg to inquire about the vacancy at his workplace, but never did I know that he had quit his job to be an agent for a crypto company. At little time of departure, he owns a car and scouting for a home to buy with his returns and referral bonuses. I engaged in learning through him but the situation got another shape when he was sent to Australia for management reasons. He referred me to his company address(Brigadiatechremikeable@Proton.Me) Telegram +1 (323) 910-1605) At the mention of his name, I was placed on an automatic investment plan of $1000 .its been 4 months now, and although the price of bitcoin isn’t constant, with this I have invested all my life savings into their program and I can boast of additional $70000 in my wallet. if your lost or stolen wallet needs retrieval and how to begin trading, talk to them. IP : |